Before your Tech Sales Career: Knowledge before Action


There is no doubt that the technology industry is flourishing globally, and there are several openings that must be filled. Likewise, the world of sales is always changing, never stagnant, and this is especially true in the area of tech sales. With new disruptive technologies constantly entering the market, tech salespeople must adapt on the […]

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Implementation Specialist Salary: Industry Guide


Once again, you are guilty. This time, you’ve been charged with the offence of looking up an Implementation Specialist Salary. Just kidding, it’s totally fine that you wish to know what amount of money is proper to earn as an implementation specialist. This shows you are becoming better and learning a lot about job hunting. […]

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Companies in Kansas: The Industry Guide


Companies in Kansas? Really? You are certainly pulling my legs. Who searches for companies in Kansas? Oh, My bad. You!  Hold on, hold on, don’t get yourself worked up, it is not totally weird to look up companies in Kansas. If you have plans to visit or relocate to the state, you need to prepare […]

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EdTech Companies: A New Era for Education


You are probably wondering; EdTech Companies? Errrrr is that a thing? Are those like Tech companies that need Heads? Naaaa! Certainly Not! Yes EdTech companies are a thing and they are not Tech companies that are lacking heads or leaders. EdTech means Educational Technology. Kindly add that to your dictionary. Thanks! What is EdTech? Edtech, […]

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Information Technologist: About Careers


Dear reader, It’s amazing that you’ve chosen a career path in IT and have decided to become an Information Technologist. However, this is just the beginning of your journey because there’s still a lot to know and learn. For example, here are some; First, in order to secure a position in information technology you must […]

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What is the Salary for Marketing Coordinator?


Hello there! Seems you’ve frequently been looking up the term “salary for marketing coordinator”. This can only mean a couple of things. So, it is either: You are just about starting your career in marketing and would love to find out the salary for marketing coordinator, You’re trying to transition between careers maybe cos you […]

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Remote Communication Jobs: Before You Apply.


Now you’ve found your bearing and decided to apply for remote communication jobs. It is time to break down the process so that it is executed as seamlessly as possible. Oftentimes, people tend to skip extremely important information and then shift their focus to minor details when putting together an application.  However, since you’ve researched […]

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Top Remote Communication Jobs of 2023


Communication Experts!!! Gather here! This one’s for you. Learn to accept remote communication jobs! Oh! Wanna know why? Hop on this article with me! Let’s do a little bit of mind reading first. Let me guess, you are reading this article because you’re enthusiastic about using high-quality media content to entertain, influence, and inform people. […]

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What Do Miscellaneous Jobs Pay? Salary Guide 101


Let’s take a walk down memory lane. I can bet many years back when asked the career you would pursue, you either said stuff like; Law, Medicine, Business Management, Journalism etc.  Quick question, Did you end up chasing any of those professions? Or you’re wondering “What Do Miscellaneous Jobs Pay?” because you seem to have […]

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“Urrgh! How hard can it be to land a finance job!. After all, the lock-down is beginning to ease off”. Yet another day and Jason is venting out his daily portion of complaint. Truth be told, getting a finance job with the world’s current economic situation is definitely no walk in the park. So, why […]

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