medical interview questions
By Vizajobs Blog

Interviews are an opportunity for you and the employing organization to get to know each other. Additionally, an interview serves as a vetting procedure to determine whether an applicant possesses the necessary skills, experience, and personality traits for the job. Therefore, you must arrive at your interview prepared and confident. Here are some tips for entry-level prospects looking to ace the medical assistant interview questions.

Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Medical Assistant Interview

1. Compare the job criteria against your skills and experience.

Most people will argue that researching the prospective company should come first. However, evaluating the job requirements against your skills and experience will help you decide if you would do excellently well in an interview. 

When comparing the job criteria for medical assistant, you should check to see if your education, training, and internship experience are enough to land you a job. Such an approach will help you to understand what questions to expect during an interview.

2. Research the organization.

Learning as much as you can about the firm with which you are interviewing will help you answer some fundamental questions. It also shows the hiring manager your commitment to the job.

Explore the internet to see if you can find any relevant information on the organization. For organizations that have a website, you would find all the information you need on the website about page. Ensure you understand what they do.

You may also look at websites like Indeed and Glassdoor for company reviews and ratings.

3. Ensure you have everything you will need for the interview

Some of the things you will need for an interview are: 

  • Resume and extra copies of your resume.
  • Some organizations will require you to bring all copies of your educational and technical certifications.
  • A notepad and pen in the case of a written interview.

4. Plan your outfit

The way you dress is the way you are addressed. Your clothing communicates a lot more than you can imagine. Therefore, ensure to have a neat, clean, and professional overall appearance.

When in doubt about what to dress in, it is always preferable to go with something more formal than clothing that is more casual. Additionally, you should avoid wearing any strong cologne or perfume.

5. Prepare and practice your responses to medical assistant interview questions

As I mentioned in a previous article, if you want to get a job, you need to understand that going into an interview unprepared is the same as driving a car without adequate gas. It might be beneficial to conduct a mock interview with a friend or family member to feel confident and prepared for the interview.

We have prepared a list of medical assistant interview questions and their answers below:

Medical Assistant Interview Questions and Answers

1. Tell me a little about yourself.


This type of open-ended query might be difficult. However, instead of discussing items unrelated to the interview, you should focus on your experience, training, and education while explaining who you are.

2. How many years of experience do you have as a medical assistant?


Hiring managers want a response that combines relevant and sometimes diverse experience. If you have prior experience as a medical assistant, describe the length of your experience. You may also include any relevant volunteer experience.

If you are interviewing for your first job, emphasize the experience you earned during your externship. You might also highlight your ACI’s 180-hour internship, which is part of the medical assistant certification curriculum.

3. Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?


When employers ask this question, they are looking for a career path. If your answer shows a lack of foresight, it will appear that you view the medical assistant role as a job rather than a career. Employers want responses that indicate a long-term commitment and maybe a route to growth. In your response, demonstrate ambition and discipline, and present a realistic picture of an empowered prospective employee.

Related Article: Medical assistant salary and Licensing in Texas

4. Why do you want to work at our organization?


Again, show the hiring managers that you have researched the organization in detail. Furthermore, show how your values, such as strong work ethic, drive and passion, align with the organization’s values. You can also state how working with them will improve your career and other career benefits you are looking forward to earning.

5. What do you like most about the medical assistant role? 


Choose a part of the medical assistant job description that interests you. For this question, it is critical to understand how the function of a medical assistant differs from that of similar healthcare roles, such as nursing assistant; this will help you better answer why you prefer the medical assistant role to them. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.

6. In any of your training. Do you have any experience with electronic health records software?


Many employers want to hire candidates who have worked with electronic health records (EHR) software. Name as many software programs you have trained. Your response should demonstrate that you have technical skills and have utilized them on patients.

7. How can you, as a medical assistant, ensure that you are adhering to HIPAA requirements that protect patients’ privacy?


It is vital that medical assistants understand HIPAA standards and how they apply them to their profession. Make sure to discuss the significance of HIPAA and how you would adopt standard regulations in your day-to-day job in your response.

8. Tell me about a time when you dealt with a difficult patient.


The STAR approach is the best way to answer a behavioural interview question. 

The acronym STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. It serves as a guide for structuring your response.

You may highlight one or two experiences you have had with a patient(s). Remember to keep it brief, as you don’t want your hiring manager to get bored.

9. Tell me about a mistake you made as a medical assistant.


Discuss an instance when you made a mistake at work, whether at the clinic or on administrative duties. Describe the difficulties you encountered and your determination to take action. You may also include measures you have learned to prevent such mistake(s) from recurring.

Please do not attempt to lie. Hiring managers already know that some mistakes may be out of your control. Furthermore, claiming you have never made a mistake may raise suspicions that you are concealing something.

10. What do you consider to be your major role as a medical assistant?

Mention the primary responsibility of a medical assistant to patient care. That includes both administrative and clinical duties. Ensure you don’t make one duty less important than the other.


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