Surgical Tech Salary in U.S by State


According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), the average annual surgical tech salary in the U.S is $51,510, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Several factors such as demand for surgical services, training, experience and location can influence the salary of a surgical tech. Surgical tech in the U.S when compared to […]

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Product Owner VS Product Manager: Who is in Charge?


We’ve returned to the age-old dispute between product owner vs product manager. Who is the person in charge of product development? Is it possible to have one without the other? What is the true distinction between these two product management responsibilities, and how do they impact the end product? It’s a fascinating question, and one […]

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Subsidized VS Unsubsidized Student Loans?


Do you worry about what kind of loan would be best for you as a student? Are you finding it difficult to decide on subsidized vs unsubsidized student loans? Then this is definitely for you. Due to the escalating cost of a college education, more students are borrowing money than ever before to finance their […]

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Which is Best? Traditional 401k VS Roth 401k


The key distinction between a Traditional 401k vs Roth 401k is when your employer-sponsored retirement plan is taxed. You contribute after-tax money to a Roth 401(k), and you can withdraw it tax-free once you reach retirement age. Traditional 401(k)s allow you to make pre-tax contributions, but you’ll have to pay income tax on the payouts […]

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Software Developer vs Software Engineer


People frequently muddle up the jobs of a software developer with a software engineer. Although the two professions have many similarities, distinguishing between the two is sometimes tricky. Software developer vs software engineer has continued to be a topic of debate. Nonetheless, both professions approach computer science and daily duties in quite different ways. Related […]

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20 best Software Developer Apprenticeship Program


 A software and web development apprenticeships turn you into a coding expert. Use your logic and creative flair to create apps, websites, and games. A Software Developer Apprenticeship (also described as a Coding Apprenticeship) is an excellent platform for a lucrative career in the tech industry. You’ll also master the fundamental skills needed to thrive […]

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Quality Assurance vs Quality Control


Quality Assurance vs Quality Control? These are words that are frequently confused and so used interchangeably. This is due to the fact that both are intertwined parts of significant quality management that ensure high-quality products that match client expectations. However, there are a few key variations between the two, which we’ll go over in detail […]

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Data Warehouse vs Data Mart: Spotting the Difference


Databases are an essential component of any organization’s toolset. However, only data managers are usually aware of the variations between the various database types. Hence, for non-experts, we describe the fundamental differences between a data warehouse vs data mart in this article. What is a Data Warehouse? To give valuable business insights, a Data Warehouse […]

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Cyber Security Job Description and Requirement


If you are interested in technology, cyber security jobs are one of the exciting jobs you can take up. Cyber security professionals are also one of the highest paying people in the technology industry. As cyber thieves and hackers become more skilful and prominent; cyber security is quickly becoming one of the most critical positions […]

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