Is it really possible to earn extra income from side hustle jobs aside from your regular 9-5? 

Yes! It is!

In this article, we’ll be digging deep into how web development could be a side hustle job to make easy money online.

What Is Web Development?

We can define web development as the process of building and maintaining websites.

It is the art of designing, coding and deploying these websites.

This is the image of a man working a side hustle job as a web developer.

It involves combining different programming languages, tools and frameworks in order to create an attractive and functional website.

Daily, business owners every day are trying to showcase their products and services on the online market, hence the constant rise in the need for good web development.

With selling on the online streets being the new trend in our present-day society, you’re able to earn good money from web development by using your skills and expertise in creating these websites for business owners.

What are the advantages of having web development as a side hustle job?

📍High-demand: Web developers are always in high demand and sought after. This is because most businesses nowadays need a website to showcase their products and services to the world.

📍Variety: Different projects vary from their scope to the industry and technology. Therefore, this side hustle job a challenging yet very interesting one.

📍Good reward: The services of a good web developer are not so easy to get. So, any business that happens to get a hold of your talent and expertise in web development pays well.

📍Constant Learning and Improvement: As a web developer, you’re to stay in touch with the new technologies and trends. This is helpful on your part, as you feel the urge to always keep your skills sharp, thus attracting more clients to yourself.

📍Potential for full-time transitions: With time, as you keep on practising, creating and developing more sites, you can decide to venture into web development as a full-time career or business.

📍Creativity: This side hustle job allows you the means for creative problem-solving and helps you spring your ideas to life.

What are the basics of web development?

📍 First, is the front-end development. This is simply the development of a website on the client side. It involves using various computer languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and frameworks.

📍The second part of web development is the back-end development. Just like the former, it involves the development of the website on the server side.

You get to use different computer languages like Java, Ruby or Python, and databases like MongoDB and MySQL.

📍We also have full-stack development which is the complete combination of front-end and back-end skills.

What’s the process of web development?

There are step-by-step processes involved in the art of web development.

These processes are;

📍Planning and design: The web development process begins with planning and design.

This is the image of a person developing webs as a side hustle job

This phase includes:

-For a start, you need to define the scope of your project, your timelines and your goals.

-You should be able to identify the accurate target audience you want to attract and the requirements of the user.

-The next step is to curate the wireframes, visual designs and prototypes.

-In concluding the plan and design phase, you’re to develop a functional strategy for creating good content.

📍Development: The development phase is divided into three sub-phases namely;

-The front-end development.

-The back-end development and 

-The full stack development… as previously discussed.

The final processes include;

📍Testing and Debugging: The next process in this side hustle job as a web developer is the testing and debugging process.

The testing and debugging phase comes after development.

In this phase, you ensure;

-The thorough functionality and usability of the web.

-You also check in for high security and performance optimization of the web.

-You’re also to monitor the cross-browser compatibility.

-Lastly, in testing and debugging…you identify and fix all errors and bugs that might have come up in the process of web development.

📍Launch and Maintenance: This is the final phase in the process of web development and it includes:

-Rolling out the website to a production environment.

-It also entails ensuring standard reliability on the website.

-Maintenance involves performing backups from time to time, regular updates and full shatter checks.

-During the prices of the launch, you’re also to configure the servers, infrastructure and databases to ensure proper use without any confusion along the line.

-Finally, you constantly monitor the website and fix any issues that pop up.

This phase of web development is an ongoing process and it’s super important.

It’s the end phase that makes sure the website remains stable, strong, void of bugs and up to date with the latest technologies and trends.

This is one of the side hustle jobs that are very lucrative and presents you with the opportunity to earn extra income and build yourself a brand.

As you gradually understand the basics, the process and all its advantages,  you can get started and find clients and projects. 

To kick off this adventurous journey, visit our website today.

visit our website today for side hustle jobs

Just one click stands between you and all the amazing benefits that come with side hustle jobs.

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