What is Pathrise?
Pathrise (YC W18) connects job seekers across North America to world class industry mentorship and career coaching to help them land a new career. The program is free upfront and our customers pay us back when they’re hired.
Built around aligned incentives, we help build equity in the job search process by providing 1-on-1 mentorship, training, and a platform to uplift job seekers and ultimately, help them fulfill their hopes, ambitions, and livelihoods. We’ve already helped more than a thousand fellows land meaningful jobs, and helped them earn over $100M in salary.
In 2022 we raised our Series B and there is even more exciting growth on the horizon. That year we expanded from 6 to 14 industries, launched a tiered pricing system with differentiated product offerings, and much more.
Our Mission 🚀
Our mission is to help people everywhere build their careers by being the world’s best career agency.
We believe the job search system is broken and can be fixed with a business model that acts on behalf of the job seeker, instead of on behalf of employers, recruiters, or schools. If this sounds interesting to you, we look forward to hearing from you!
Read more about our mission in our manifesto.
The Role:
As a Job Search Strategist (JSS) – Contractor, you will be responsible for setting realistic and strong expectations for fellows before they join the program. You will create detailed Job Search Plans (JSPs) for each fellow, assign them job search plans, and align with them on expectations that will support their placement. You will also highlight aspects of Pathrise Program offerings and services to excite and energize fellows about the program.
At least 5 hours per week, weekdays only, during US business hours (any time zone)

Essential Duties & Expectations

  • Setting strong program expectations with the fellow: You will share program expectations with the fellow during the job search strategy session (JSSS) including the Job Search Plan (JSP) and Application Pacing Expectations, Infraction Policy & Accountability, and overall Program Expectations. This is to ensure that the fellow understands what to expect and is aware of the standards and pacing goals they will be held to.
  • Assigning fellows job search plans and aligning on expectations: You will create a detailed Job Search Plan (JSP) for each fellow you are paired with that includes Reach, Target, and Safety (RTS) roles and Application Pacing expectations for Basics/Essentials and Pro. These JSPs will be drafted prior to a JSSS and shared with the fellow during the session. You will edit the JSP in real-time and post-session to ensure that the fellow’s weekly goals and expectations are aligned with their job search.
  • Exciting and energizing fellows about Pathrise Program offerings and services: You will highlight aspects of the Pathrise offerings and program to excite and motivate fellows to sign an ISA. By offering a highlight of program offerings, you will create a clear picture of what the fellow can expect when they sign up for Pathrise.
  • Effectively completing asynchronous tasks for session performance and optimization: You will complete email communications, Job Search Plans, complete platform notes, answer slacks, and engage in any other asynchronous task that is designed to support the fellow and/or the admissions team in moving a fellow forward in their process.


  • 2+ years of experience in talent acquisition in tech: JSS will need to have a solid understanding of how to match candidate qualifications with a variety of roles in the tech space, such as engineering, sales, ops, marketing, data, finance, etc.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills: You will be responsible for setting expectations with the fellow and aligning on job search plans. Thus, it is important to have strong communication and interpersonal skills to effectively communicate and work with the fellows.
  • Attention to detail: Creating and editing Job Search Plans requires attention to detail to ensure that the fellow’s weekly goals and expectations are aligned with their job search.
  • Strong organizational skills: You will be responsible for completing asynchronous tasks, which require strong organizational skills to manage multiple tasks and prioritize them effectively.
  • Positive attitude and mindset: As a JSS, you will be responsible for motivating and energizing fellows. A positive attitude and mindset are necessary to excite and energize the fellows about the Pathrise Program offerings and services.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment: Completing tasks within a specified time frame is essential to ensure the fellow’s job search progress. Thus, it is important to have the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Availability: at least 5 hours per week (weekdays only), business hours (any US time zone)

Interview Process

  • Intro Call w/Recruiter – 30 mins
  • Final Interview- 45 mins, includes a 20 min exercise which candidate should prepare for beforehand
$25 – 30/hr, 1099 independent consultant basis
Unfortunately we cannot sponsor visas for this 1099 consultant position.
💡The Pathrise Approach to Hiring
At Pathrise we have a unique understanding of the hiring process from the perspective of companies and candidates, and the ups and downs that come with it. Candidates are close to our hearts – we’ve been them, we coach them, we know them.
Our part-time hiring is often condensed into two steps: intro call + final interview. Our general full-time hiring process outlined below.
Application Stage
– Our recruiting team reviews applications and responds to qualified applicants as quickly as possible.
– Our ATS does not auto-reject in any way
– Note that some part-time roles are listed in “Inactive – Resume Pool” status, meaning hiring happens on a rolling basis and may open unexpectedly.
Intro Call
– In this 30 minute phone call, we aim to align on the role and answer your questions to ensure a mutual fit
– Taking the next step in your career is a big deal! Ask whatever questions you need to ensure we’re the right fit for you.
– Candidates who advance will be provided with a helpful guide to support their candidate experience.
Skill Assessment or Hiring Manager Interview
– For some roles, this is a 30 minute Google Meet interview with a hiring manager.
– For other roles, this stage is a hands-on skill assessment that gives you a firsthand glimpse of what basic skills are needed to execute in this role, and how they’ll be applied. It also gives us early signals on the more technical aspects of candidate fit.
Virtual Onsite
– Candidates will meet with hiring managers and collaborators for further skill assessments and behavioral interviews.
– Because this stage can take considerable time for all candidates and interviewers (1.5 – 3 hours), we are very intentional about how we conduct it and who we move forward. We do our best to be mindful of time commitments and candidate efforts, and will communicate if things change unexpectedly.
– You’ll receive guidance well in advance.
Reference Interviews
– We’ll ask for some professional references to follow up with.
Pathrise is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer that proudly pursues and hires a diverse workforce. Pathrise does not make hiring or employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion or religious belief, ethnic or national origin, nationality, sex, gender, gender-identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable local, state, or federal laws or prohibited by Company policy. Pathrise also strives for a healthy and safe workplace and strictly prohibits harassment of any kind. Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance and other similar state laws and local ordinances, and its internal policy, Pathrise will also consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
If you are instead interested in our fellowship program, please submit an intake form and our Admissions team will follow up: https://www.pathrise.com/apply.

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